This has been quite the week folks, and unfortunately, I haven't had a very positive attitude! Lately I've been feeling down and a bit uninspired. Someone once told me that a good remedy for this kind of attitude, is to think of some very specific moments in your life that have brought nothing but pure joy. So, this post is dedicated to some memories and experiences that have made me the most happy!
There are so many moments when I'm on stage dancing, that the biggest wave of happiness and joy sweeps over my body and mind and engulfs me entirely. However, there was one moment on stage a few years back, that I will NEVER forget. It wasn't the same feeling of joy that I just described, but one that certainly brought tears to my eyes....through laughter! In Odyssey's Christmas show "It's a Wonderful Life", there is a scene where all the girls are on stage doing a cheer, and at the end we all pose in a big human pyramid. This particular year I was in the middle of the pyramid, and my good friend Dayna was just above me. She was wearing fishnet tights, and I had skirt with hooking clasp in the back. As we came out of the pyramid, we discovered that Dayna's tights (by the knee if I remember right) were caught on the hook of my skirt!! Some performers would take the next moment of the scene to do some sensible acting and find a reason to exit the stage and remedy the problem. Well, I was really into the scene, and didn't want to exit/I was so into the scene the idea of exiting didn't even really cross my mind! So, we spent the scene hopping around on stage carrying on like there was nothing truly wrong! But, I was laughing so hard I was definitely crying! We looked off stage at one point, and saw our Director and his wife just about keeled over laughing, along with anyone else who was off stage witnessing this epic event!!! Anyhow, the scene finally ended and we made our way off stage (quite awkwardly if you can imagine), and got our costumes all sorted out. Funny things happen on stage all the time, but no single occurrence after this one has made me laugh quite so hard!
And yes, this is the EXACT night it happened!!!!
Something else that makes me really happy....ROLLER COASTERS AND RIDES!!!! Odyssey goes to Europe every spring for our European Tour, and two years out of the four we've stumbled across a fair with this ride called the "Breakdancer"......and it is INTENSE!!! I'm pretty sure the Germans have zero safety regulations for their rides, because thing was completely insane! It was spun so fast and jerked around so hard that I was certain it gave me a mild case of whiplash, and my abs, obliques, and back were definitely sore from trying to keep myself inside of the car!!!! Anyway, for whatever reason I get a huge kick out of roller coasters and rides, even when they are scary! I pretty much laugh uncontrollably the entire time! Maybe its the fact that it makes me feel like a little kid again, but for whatever reason, I love them!!!!
The select few that got on this bad boy more than once!!!
One more thing that just tinkles me pink! My friend Stacey Clark and I used to carpool to rehearsals and shows together back in the day. And either on the way to a show, or on the way home, we had a tradition of stopping at the gas station for nothing but powered doughnuts and diet coke! I don't know why but this was one of our favorite treats, and we couldn't live without it! To this day, every time Stacey has come to a show I'm in, she finds her way backstage and brings me a little gift of powered doughnuts and diet coke! It's one of those simple pleasures in life that I won't ever forget, and will never cease to bring a smile to my face!
A tradition I'll never forget!
I think its important to remember the small and simple pleasures and joys in life! Also, remember that the best cure to most anything is laughter! Sometimes things can be so frustrating/annoying/confusing/ or whatever, that the only thing you can do is laugh! Sure, throw a fit every now and then, that helps too. But honestly, find something to laugh about! I'm lucky to have wonderful friends and family who have provided me so many things to laugh at throughout my life! And yes, lots of them are at my own expense, but those can be the best! But seriously, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me.....I'LL LAUGH AT YOU!!! :)
You are beautiful. I love you.