Friday, August 26, 2011

Promise Yourself

     A very good friend of mine shared a quote with me and several other people, a long time ago. He printed a small copy for everyone, and it still hangs on my wall today. I just happened to glance over at it this evening, and I read through it again. I've been thinking a lot lately about how I could better myself, and I think the things mentioned in this quote may help! I think it's worth sharing, and hopefully someone else will find some motivation, comfort, or hope in it like I do!

Promise yourself...
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimisms come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this pact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

-Christian D. Larson

     I went ahead and highlighted a few points that I think I'd like to focus on! Not to say that those are the only noteworthy things in this quote, as I think they ALL are! But it's always easier to focus on a few small things at a time, rather than too many at once. I think it's important to remember that we are all a work in progress, and always be! We are "under construction", always striving to better ourselves and our way of living. This is a good thing- so when you fear there are too many things to fix, remember it doesn't all happen at once! Even if you hit rock bottom a few times, its okay- "Ruin is the road to transformation". Just pick a few things every so often and work away!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Hero!!!

     I know a lot of girls say this, but I'll say it again, I HAVE THE BEST BIG BROTHER EVER!!! I seriously can't express how much I look up to and admire my brother Mike. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be just like Mike! I would do everything I could to tag along with him and friends, and it worked for a while! I just remember thinking that everything he did was the coolest thing ever, and I wanted to do it too.
     He started taking piano lessons, then I did. He was really into soccer, and then I was. He started playing another instrument other than the piano, so I tried a few different ones. Skiing was our favorite for awhile, until he switched to snowboarding. It only took me one ski season to decided to make the switch. There are plenty more, but you get the point!

     Every time I tried something that he was in to, he wouldn't just brush it off and think "there she goes copying me again!". Not at all. In fact, he was always very helpful and supportive! I remember playing soccer numerous times in the front yard, trying to pick up on all his moves.  When I sucked at pretty much everything, he simply told me what would make it easier!

     He was as patient as he could be when he took me snowboarding, and explained everything in the greatest detail possible.

     He bought me my first pair of climbing shoes, and took me to the climbing gym with him all the time. He also took me climbing outside and would talk me through every climb, teaching me technique as I went.

     He took me on my first big mountain bike ride, and never once got frustrated if I fell behind.

     He taught me how to wakeboard, and didn't have a problem driving the rope by me EVERY time I fell, which was often in the beginning!

     He took me on my first back packing trip, which was one of the best trips I've ever been on to this day!

     He took me fishing more times than I can remember, and was always there to help me with my line!

     Needless to say, I have found joy in many hobbies thanks to Mike!! I think he's also instilled a passion for adventure in me. I am always looking for fun and adventurous things to do thanks to him! He has taught me so much about life, I can't imagine where I would be without him, or what kind of person I'd be without his positive and adventurous influence in my life! Thanks Mike for being the best big brother a girl could ever ask for. You've provided me with a deep appreciation for the joys in life, and set such an extraordinary example for me all these years! Thanks for all of your love and support, you're truly the greatest! You are my hero Mike and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Count Your Blessings!

     Exactly one year ago, I had one of the worst scares of my life! I was performing in "Tarzan" down in St. George, and was about 5 shows away from the end of my contract. There were lots of Really big sets in the show, and I was one of several who was responsible for pushing one of the biggest ones onstage at the top of the show. One night as we were pushing on our set piece, it got stuck! This thing was huge, and with all of us pushing at our assigned spots, it would not budge. So, I ran around to the back, thinking more force at that point would help it along. With the rest of the people re-situating a bit and pushing, we finally got it going. But it was going much faster (as we needed to make up for lost time). So, I ran as fast as I could to get back to my spot where I was also supposed to cranking a wheel while pushing. As I hopped over a big part of it, I realized I wasn't going quite fast enough to be clear of the piece, and it rammed into my with all it's force.

                               Those big tree units in the back, that's what ran over my foot!

     It definitely hurt! Just the biggest metal bar bashing into the back of my little foot, felt awful. BUT, the show must go on! So I continued to push till we were set, and realized the hit had taken the back of my shoe off. So I reached down to pull back up over my heel, when I reached into a gaping, warm, wet space.....not quite right! I didn't look at it, but I did look at my hand which came up bloody....also not quite right. So, I quickly made my way off stage and pulled up my pants to see what had happened. I was shocked at the sight of my foot!!! I didn't panic quite yet, called over our stage manager and just pointed at it. They carried me into the Green room. All I remember about that particular moment is one of our stage managers saying I wouldn't be going back on, and to get the swing ready. That made me nervous, I NEVER don't return to a show! I had lots of help getting out of my costume as quickly as possible, and into our company manager's car, who drove me to the ER.

     The whole way there, I was quite calm, and other from the throbbing from the blow, wasn't in a lot of pain. I just sat in the seat wiping off my monkey makeup (certainly didn't want to walk into the ER looking crazy!), and taking out pin curls, desperately trying to make myself feel normal and calm. We finally arrived, gave my info, sat for a few minutes that felt like a lifetime, and were shown to the back. The worst part of the ENTIRE night, was the Tetanus shot!! Not because it hurt, but because I have an almost debilitating fear of needles! After that, I was given a shot in the foot to numb it (which wasn't entirely necessary because I still couldn't feel anything). I finally got a good look at the gash all cleaned up....PHOTO OP!!! It was gnarly, I could actually see a bit of my Achilles tendon.

      Our company manager (Ryan Anderson), was the greatest person to have with me! As I realized I was going to need stitches, all I could think about was the dang needle!! Fortunately, there was no pain, just a really weird sensation of tugging on things that shouldn't be tugged on lol! When it was all stitched up and nicely wrapped. I thought I'd be good to go. And then he brought out the boot. And then he started talking about all things I shouldn't do for the next 6 WEEKS, and somewhere in there I heard the words "She's done".... Done?? With what?? THE SHOW!!!! I honestly was thinking I'd be up on the stage the next night with just a carefully wrapped foot, until I woke up from my daze and realized I had 11 stitches holding my foot together, just millimeters away from Achilles. I was done.

     I wasn't going to be able to finish the shows with the cast that had become my family. I was going to miss my Lake Powell trip with my best friends, and a backpacking trip I was planning on going on with my brother just slipped away. Sounds overly dramatic, but dancing and outdoor rec is my entire life!! When this all came into my mind, only then did the tears come. We headed back to the theatre to get my car and things, and I thought it was time I called my mom. Then the tears really came as I talked with her and realized that our upcoming season of Odyssey was just a few weeks away. I was horrified I wouldn't be ready to go back in time.

                         since I didn't have to get ready for the show, this was the alternative!

     The next couple days were bitter sweet. It was such a blessing to watch the shows from the audience, and see what I had been a part of. As any performer would tell you, however, it was also heart wrenching to be watching from the stands, and not sharing the stage with those you love! I spent the upcoming month reading, watching movies, and reading.. not horrible, but not the way I was wanting to spend my last month of summer! When it was finally time to go the doctor and have my foot checked out, I received some less than encouraging news. I was given incorrect directions about how to care for my foot, which had left the seam of the cut still open! It hadn't healed over yet, and I was going to have to spend another 2 weeks in the boot with the stitches!! Not a happy camper! But, I did as I was told, since I wasn't about to take out my own stitches lol. This meant that I'd be getting the boot off just days before our first rehearsal for Odyssey's Thriller show. And at that time I was supposed to be STARTING physical therapy. Well, I refused to miss a single day of rehearsal, or to run the risk of not being able to participate in the season. So, I skipped the therapy, and jumped right into class! The first week was horrendous! My foot hurt worse then ever, and I was constantly afraid of ripping open the freshly healed scar! But, I made it! I was lucky enough to get full range of motion back in just a couple weeks (though my foot looked pretty horrible for a while there, especially in point shoes lol). It didn't prevent me from doing anything in the show, and it was the best season of Thriller I've ever experienced.

      I was told that the cut was a matter of just a couple millimeters away from SEVERING my Achilles tendon... how lucky and blessed I felt that it was not only intact, but that despite a over a month of not moving my foot, I was able to get right back into dancing with little repercussions. Dancing is something that feeds my soul and heart, along with outdoor recreation. It's truly a blessing that I can continue to do both the fullest extent. We go through a lot of hard experiences in life, and they can get us down and discourage so easily. But let's try our hardest to think of the many blessings in our lives. It can lift you back up just as quickly as were let down!



Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Cure!!!!

     This has been quite the week folks, and unfortunately, I haven't had a very positive attitude! Lately I've been feeling down  and a bit uninspired. Someone once told me that a good remedy for this kind of attitude, is to think of some very specific moments in your life that have brought nothing but pure joy. So, this post is dedicated to some memories and experiences that have made me the most happy!

     There are so many moments when I'm on stage dancing, that the biggest wave of happiness and joy sweeps over my body and mind and engulfs me entirely. However, there was one moment on stage a few years back, that I will NEVER forget. It wasn't the same feeling of joy that I just described, but one that certainly brought tears to my eyes....through laughter! In Odyssey's Christmas show "It's a Wonderful Life", there is a scene where all the girls are on stage doing a cheer, and at the end we all pose in a big human pyramid. This particular year I was in the middle of the pyramid, and my good friend Dayna was just above me. She was wearing fishnet tights, and I had skirt with hooking clasp in the back. As we came out of the pyramid, we discovered that Dayna's tights (by the knee if I remember right) were caught on the hook of  my skirt!! Some performers would take the next moment of the scene to do some sensible acting and find a reason to exit the stage and remedy the problem. Well, I was really into the scene, and didn't want to exit/I was so into the scene the idea of exiting didn't even really cross my mind! So, we spent the scene hopping around on stage carrying on like there was nothing truly wrong! But, I was laughing so hard I was definitely crying! We looked off stage at one point, and saw our Director and his wife just about keeled over laughing, along with anyone else who was off stage witnessing this epic event!!! Anyhow, the scene finally ended and we made our way off stage (quite awkwardly if you can imagine), and got our costumes all sorted out. Funny things happen on stage all the time, but no single occurrence after this one has made me laugh quite so hard!

                                          And yes, this is the EXACT night it happened!!!!

     Something else that makes me really happy....ROLLER COASTERS AND RIDES!!!! Odyssey goes to Europe every spring for our European Tour, and two years out of the four we've stumbled across a fair with this ride called the "Breakdancer"......and it is INTENSE!!! I'm pretty sure the Germans have zero safety regulations for their rides, because thing was completely insane! It was spun so fast and jerked around so hard that I was certain it gave me a mild case of whiplash, and my abs, obliques, and back were definitely sore from trying to keep myself inside of the car!!!! Anyway, for whatever reason I get a huge kick out of roller coasters and rides, even when they are scary! I pretty much laugh uncontrollably the entire time! Maybe its the fact that it makes me feel like a little kid again, but for whatever reason, I love them!!!!

                                       The select few that got on this bad boy more than once!!!

     One more thing that just tinkles me pink! My friend Stacey Clark and I used to carpool to rehearsals and shows together back in the day. And either on the way to a show, or on the way home, we had a tradition of stopping at the gas station for nothing but powered doughnuts and diet coke! I don't know why but this was one of our favorite treats, and we couldn't live without it! To this day, every time Stacey has come to a show I'm in, she finds her way backstage and brings me a little gift of powered doughnuts and diet coke! It's one of those simple pleasures in life that I won't ever forget, and will never cease to bring a smile to my face!

                                                               A tradition I'll never forget!

     I think its important to remember the small and simple pleasures and joys in life! Also, remember that the best cure to most anything is laughter! Sometimes things can be so frustrating/annoying/confusing/ or whatever, that the only thing you can do is laugh! Sure, throw a fit every now and then, that helps too. But honestly, find something to laugh about! I'm lucky to have wonderful friends and family who have provided me so many things to laugh at throughout my life! And yes, lots of them are at my own expense, but those can be the best! But seriously, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me.....I'LL LAUGH AT YOU!!! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Action Packed Weekend!!!!

     A couple weekends ago one of my best friends Chase Wise came down to St. George to visit and see the shows. It was one of the greatest weekends I've had this summer! The day he got here, we were lucky enough to attend the tech/dress rehearsal of a company directed by Peter Chu, Chuthis. They were performing their show "Nothing Sticks", and it was absolutely amazing! I can't believe that I was lucky enough to witness such a beautiful thing. I couldn't believe the talent and the passion that was being displayed right before my eyes. Needless to say it was very inspiring!

     The next day we went to the lake with our good friends Troy, Erica, and Allen. It was super nice to just relax by the lake, paddle around in the cool water, and hang out with great people! Troy and Erica brought their dog Ivin, what an energetic puppy he is!


     We had a more relaxed Saturday, and spent it going to all the little antique stores on the Boulevard! Chase helped me pick out a few really fun head wraps (they're all I've wearing since he left!), and he found a couple books that he used to love when he was little! The shop where we found everything was literally an old house, that was packed from floor to ceiling with everything imaginable. I'm convinced that if you spent enough time looking through every room and drawer, you could find pretty much anything you wanted!  Then we made some delicious cookies, and headed out for the show (this was the SECOND night that chase came to Grease!!).

     Sunday was a day full of hiking and climbing! We drove out to Red Cliffs in Leeds, and went on a nice little hike! We saw so many baby baby frogs, it was so fun! Chase is a great person to hike with, he will climb up, on, and around whatever is in his way! We had a great time climbing around or over the few water spots we found (usually I'm all for stomping around in the water, but this stuff was pretty yucky!). On our way out of the hike, we passed a big group who decided to ditch their shoes for the remainder of their hike....well, we decided that we would leave them nice and organized for them. Also, we drove past Quail Lake on the way home, and it was so hot that we decided to pull over and jump right into the lake for a little cool down swim!! I love that Chase is so willing to participate in my spurts of spontaneity!

                                                                     Good Deed!
                                                                             Quail Lake

     After we got home home and cleaned up, we headed over to my friend Megan's house for some desert with friends and playtime with the baby! Then, we went night climbing! We went with Nate, Mal, Megahn, and Brian. It was Chase's first time, and he totally killed it! He climbed up those walls like a ninja in the night! I hadn't been night climbing for years, I forgot how chill and relaxed it is!! It was nice to be out at night when it wasn't as hot, and we were hearing the fireworks all around (it was the 24th of July)! I was belaying Nate on a lead, and at the very top (just reaching for the chains), he fell! It I hadn't caught a lead fall in quite some time, it was fun! He certainly brought me off the ground, and luckily my feet hit the wall nice and square instead of my face! It was a great end to a fabulous day!

                                                                     First Climb Ever! 

                                                                Recovering From the fall!

     Monday was his last day here, and we decided to wake up bright and early to hike the narrows with Erica! We got the day started off right by locking my keys in the car just as we were heading for the shuttle (totally my fault!). But, with the help of a cracked window, a yardstick, and a bungee with a hook on the end (all essential items I keep in my trunk lol), we were able to get them out in no time! We spent the day trekking through nice cold water (felt great in the heat), climbing up, on, and around things to get farther in (we went up towards Orderville Canyon at the fork), and simply enjoying God's greatest and most beautiful creations!



     So glad to have wonderful friends who come down to see me in my long absence! I miss them dearly and nothing brightens my day more than to hear of another friend stopping through! Thanks for a weekend full of adventure Chase, I love you!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Molly's Passion

     Aside from the outdoors, my next greatest passion is dancing! I got my start clogging....Yep, CLOGGING!!! I would post some pictures of the old days, but it's way to embarrassing! I clogged for several years, and thought there was nothing cooler. When I was 13, my mom took me a dance performance at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City, "Thriller" by Odyssey Dance Theatre. I wasn't too enthusiastic about the situation because I knew it didn't have any clogging in it (I was pretty much obsessed). But she took me anyway. And by the end of the opening number, I knew that this was the exact company I wanted to dance for one day. So my mom enrolled me in dance classes at the studio closest to my house. I also did the dance company at my Junior High School, and spent my first 2 years of high school on the dance company as well.

     Then my senior year came, and it was the turning point of my dance career! I auditioned for Odyssey II, the training/scholarship company for Odyssey Dance Theatre, and was lucky enough to get accepted! For the last year of high school and my freshman year of college, I spent all day at school, and then all night dancing, and the late/early morning hours doing homework. There was time for nothing else! And then the glorious day came that I was accepted as an apprentice on the company, and I've danced with them for the last 4 years!

     It was quite literally a dream come true! I've never worked harder for anything in my life, and it was the biggest reward I could ever have received! I've made the BEST friends in the entire world, learned more than I ever knew was possible, been given the opportunity to travel the world, and perform for thousands and thousands of people!

     Choosing a career of this nature definitely has it's ultimate highs and devastating lows, and I've often times wondered if its worth it. There is always that constant concern with the appearance of your body, as it is the  instrument you rely on. And then the aches and pains that come with dancing for 7 hours a day as hard as you possibly can. Of course you have those frustrating days when you can't seem to get anything right no matter how hard you try. And sometimes the most frustrating thing is being denied a part you've wanted so badly!! Of course with that, comes the determination it takes to get it the next time! But, beyond all of that, comes the glories and happiness that certainly out weighs the hard times! There is no better feeling than performing on the very stage with the very company that you dreamed of being on since you were 13 years old, that's for sure! You can't beat dancing for a sold out crowd, or even a smaller crowd who appreciates your work just as much! The opportunity to work with world renown choreographers and the challenge of mastering their style is priceless. And of course the elation of finally being promoted to a bigger and new part (especially one you've always wanted to do) is a feeling unmatched by much else.

     Dance has been such a huge part of my life, and from the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who helped me along the way, and still continues to support me! My parents for forking up the money to put me through classes when I was younger, and then who supported me for the short time I was able to do absolutely nothing but dance and schoolwork. My entire family for coming to almost every dance competition and concert through my younger years, and then continuing to come to every show I've ever been in throughout my professional career. To all my friends who constantly hear these phrases: "I can't, I have rehearsal" "I can't, I have a show" "I can't, I'll be out of town with the company"...and for still calling and inviting me to everything even when they know what they'll hear! To my ODT family, who has seen me at my best and my absolute worst, and for loving me through all of it! And, where would I be without my very first dance teacher and mentor, Amber Dalebout Telford!??! I firmly believe she is one of the people who instilled in me the work ethic I have. She always expected the best effort and accepted nothing less. She was there to correct me when I was dead wrong, to encourage me when I down, to cheer me on when I performed, and to help me achieve what I thought was impossible. I can't thank her enough for getting me started and keeping going!