Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We All Have Our Favorites

Just some of my favorite things at the time :)

Movie: How to Train Your Dragon
I secretly want to be Astrid! I have the braid, I could sport the outfit, I think I'm kind of tough...Ya, I'm Astrid :) I'm also obsessed with the music in this movie!!

Music: Michael Alvarado
My friend Kayla introduced me to this artist, and I fell in love! Such a great voice, awesome songs, and he plays freaking EVERY instrument!!!
Take a Listen!!!

Puppies: Australian Shepherds
I want a dog more than anything!! I always take a break from homework and look online to see what kind of puppies are available. I can't have one now for several reasons, but the second it's an option, you can be sure I'll have a puppy the same day!!!!

T.V. Show: Criminal Minds
I am not super into television, mainly because I've spent the last 5 years without a television set or I've just been too busy! But on this break I have rediscovered my love for this show! It's creepy, mildly disturbing, but most of all it's super interesting! Not to mention I have a crush on Morgan, who wouldn't want to watch that guy run around catching criminals?!
Let me introduce to Morgan :)

Disney Princess: Cinderella
She's blonde, she wears the most beautiful BABY blue (my color) dress, she likes animals, she works hard, enough said!! I won't lie, if the opportunity ever came up to play Cinderella at Disney Land, I'd do it :)

Treat: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Peanut butter+chocolate=perfection. The only wrong way to eat a Reese's, is to not eat it at all! 

Car: Subaru Outback
Don't hate. I love it. I want it. I will have it. However, car shopping has proven to be much more difficult than I was expecting! I just hope Pam holds out long enough for me to actually find one!!!

Favorite Show: Thriller
I love most every show Odyssey does. But I think Thriller will forever be my favorite!

Favorite stop on Tour This Year: Zermatt, Switzerland; Home of the Matterhorn!!
I DIED when we went here!!! I would have given anything to have had my snowboard strapped to my feet at that exact moment!! Instead, Chase and I just slid down the biggest hill we could find :) Seriously, I would do most anything to come back to this place and board with my big brother Mike!

Favorite Hike of the Summer: The Narrows
I went to the narrows about 5 times this summer, and loved every second, of every time lol! I seriously can't get enough of it :)

My first time there, it was actually closed because the water was so high.....we went anyway :)

                             The water was MUCH lower a couple months later!!!

     And it was the lowest when I went with some of the cast members, but still beautiful!!

And those are some of my current favorites :)

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