I saw this quote on pinterest the other day: "The most memorable days usually end with the dirtiest clothes." I couldn't believe how well that defined my life!! I can't count how many times I've left the house nice and clean, and come home dirtier than ever! But every time I came home that way, it was one of the best days ever. So here's to all of those adventurous days, that may have started off fresh and clean but ended nice and dirty, and to the great memories we created in the process!!!!!

Covered in dirt head to toe from following these guys for 5 hours!!!
Thinking we could clear that swampy river.....FAIL!!!
I guess sometimes we made it out clean....but then we were soaked!!!!
You only make it out of paint-balling clean if you are a pansy :)
Doesn't matter if you're dressed for the occasion.... we'll do it anyway :)
Again, sort of clean. But definitely walked around wet the rest of the afternoon!
Yes, that is DIRT!!!! And I think some bruises :)
Four-wheeling through miles of mud...the best!!!!
So, a huge thanks to laundry detergent, spray and wash, and bleach, for continually preparing my clothes for the next adventure!!! I can't be more grateful for all the dirty laundry I've had the pleasure of washing, and the wonderful people in my life who helped me get it that way!! I'm not always the dirty kid, my mom says I clean up quite nicely :) BUT, I certainly LOVE TO GET DIRTY!!!!
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